
Phone Canvassing Script

Below is a flow-chart style script for volunteers working on a city council political campaign.

How-To for Contacting Representatives

Below is a crash course in effective persuasive communication with political representatives.

Persuasive Writing 101: Politics Edition


1. Establish Common Ground

--What do you have in common (in this case, besides location)? Are you from the same political party? Are you of the same religion? Do you both have a passion for cheeseburgers? Show that you are worth listening to because you are the same.

2. Praise What They've Done Well

--Find something- anything- you can compliment them on. So with Stitt, you might thank him for issuing the first order. Or praise him for being a family man. Or IDK, I'm sure he's done something you thought was ok at some point.

3. Make a Request Using I Language

--"I hope you will", "I would ask that you consider" "Please help me by" etc.

4. Appeal to THEIR Values, Not Yours

--Maybe you're a commie and you hope capitalism dies a horrid death. He doesn't, so appealing to what YOU value just gives him more ammo to ignore you. Stitt values money, Trump, and business. Find some ways this would hurt business in the long run, bring up how it's un-Christian, point out that Trump himself said not to open too soon, whatever. Tie it in to your request and personalize it. If you can tie it into your thing you have in common, BONUS! "Because we are both business owners/Christians/cheeseburger aficionados, I'm sure you'd agree (blah)"

5. Request a SPECIFIC Action.

--Yes, you've already made a general request. Now you request something very specific that meets your earlier request's goal. Ask for something bigger than you think is realistic so he can feel like he's compromising.

6. End with a Common Goal

--What is something you know you both want? And don't assume anything. Make sure it's something you're positive they value. In this case, it's very easy to just toss off "I hope you and your family stay well and I will pray for their continued safety just as I pray for my family's."

7. If You Have a Title or Nickname, Use It

--It makes you a person. Lawyers, use your Esq. Doctors, use your Dr. Ministers DEFINITELY USE YOUR CLERGY SALUTATION! Also if you are a fire chief, police officer, etc. MAKE SURE THEY KNOW.



Dear Mayor Diaz,

As a fellow Eagle Scout, I have been very proud to see you become such an excellent leader in our city. I remember even back in our time together in Troop 99, you stood out as someone who exemplified our core values. (Establish common ground)

Thank you so much for your bravery and leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. I have been very proud to call you our mayor as you stood up for what is right and listened to the experts in order to keep Tulsa safe. Your orders to stay safe and stay at home and your calls for businesses to close their doors has been such a positive influence for surrounding areas, which keeps us all safer. I deeply appreciate your courage as a leader. (Praise something they did)

I would ask that you continue your leadership and your commitment to community and common sense. Please extend the Safer at Home order beyond May 1. (Make a request using I statements) As someone dedicated to local business and building Tulsa’s global reputation, I hope you will continue to hold our city to a standard that appeals to people all over the world. As you know, the best way to do that is to listen to the experts most of the world agrees on. (Appeal to THEIR values) Please extend your orders for businesses, parks, and individuals until Oklahoma meets the guidelines for safety set forth by the CDC and WHO, which state that Phase 1 of reopening should not happen until there has been a sustained reduction in cases for

14 days and a major of the population has been tested. (a very specific request)

I sincerely hope you are doing well and that your family remains safe. I look forward to the day when my family and I can run into you around town at one of the local businesses we both love to frequent, like Buck Atom’s. (end with a common goal)


Sgt. Jake Perraulta (use your title)

Eagle Scout 1996, Troop 99

Leader of Girl Scout Troop 101